Contact us
New Location
The Transfer Center has recently moved to the Office of the Provost. Please enter through the side door next to the trellis at the address listed below (see photo to the right for reference).
901 West Franklin Street
Box 843001 *NEW*
Richmond, Virginia 23284-3001
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m to 4:30 p.m. for on-campus or virtual appointments
Phone: (804) 827-1349
Click here to connect with a transfer advisor
Prospective student advising
If you are a prospective or incoming transfer student who would like to work with a transfer advisor, please fill out our online request form.
Earning credit outside of VCU
Are you a current student looking to earn credits outside of VCU? Submit the Request to Take Courses at Another Institution form to avoid duplicating previous coursework or violating VCU graduation policies. Your request must be approved before you can register for any courses outside of VCU.